
This page contains a few pointers that might improve your use of the website.

Increasing text size
Some users might find screen text easier to read by increasing the size at which text is displayed. To do this you should simply adjust your browser's settings. If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer go to the VIEW menu, select TEXT SIZE and then either LARGER or LARGEST. If you use Netscape Navigator go to the VIEW menu and choose INCREASE FONT until the text is whatever size you require.

Adobe Acrobat PDF Files
Documents are often provided in ".PDF" format. PDFs (portable document format) are suited to downloading and printing. To view a PDF your browser needs a plug-in called the Acrobat Reader. This is available for free and can be downloaded from the Adobe website. The file size is 8.6 mb which should take approximately 20 minutes to download on a 56k modem.

Visually impaired users who require browser-reading software can download a special plug-in for your browser.

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